
The Cost of Prime Time

Geoff Riley

4th February 2008

Last night’s Super Bowl was a classic game with the New New Giants winning with a touchdown less than forty seconds from the end. Whilst the Giants will be celebrating for weeks to come, so too will the TV excutives who raked in the cash for advertising slots during the half-time show. This report from the Telegraph shows just how expensive is a short advertising slot during the Super Bowl coverage!

‘Advertisers paid out an average of $2.7m (£1.3m) for a 30-second TV slot during last night’s Super Bowl XLII. Up-market lingerie maker Victoria’s Secret and chewing gum manufacturer Ice Breakers were among the 37 companies paying the multi-million dollar price tag to advertise as the New York Giants played the New England Patriots. Among those paying over $5m for a minute of prime advertising time were brewer Budweiser and drinks maker Pepsi, which hired a star-studded cast, including rapper Missy Elliott.’

The rest of the aryicle can be found here

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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