
The 11 most fascinating internet trends.

Ben Cahill

4th June 2013

Each year, Mary Meeker and the team from KPCB produce a report on the key internet trends. The full report is 117 pages long but if you want a great lesson starter (that could well end up taking the whole lesson) then the 11 most fascinating graphs from the report will do the trick.

The full report can be seen on slideshare here. The article that summarises the 11 best graphs is here and I copied each of the graphs and put them into a separate presentation. They could be used in a number of ways including as a general class discussion or as groupwork - giving one or two graphs to each group and getting them to discuss opportunities and threats to different businesses. As an example, the first graph is shown below - discussion could centre around the threats to print and opportunities to mobile.

Ben Cahill

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