
Teaching Motivation - Bellwork/ Starter Activity

Graham Prior

22nd March 2014

I read this amazing article yesterday on the BBC website and thought it would make an amazing bellwork/ starter activitiy when teaching motivation.The article, 'Vicar or Publican' looks at which jobs make people happy and makes surprising reading. The article ends with a ranking of the top 247 occupations in order of happiness along with the mean income for each job/ profession. Potential activities from this could be:Asking students individually/ in pairs to think of what the top 10 jobs are in terms of happiness (and then perhaps asking them to explain why they have ranked them in that order)Asking students individually/ in pairs to think of the top 5 and the bottom 5A discussion based around the top and bottom jobs in relation to mean incomeThe article can be found here...........

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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