
Starter activity - teaching communication

Graham Prior

26th December 2009

The topic of communication at both GCSE and A level lends itself to a fantastic range of activities. Here are a couple I recently tried and they went down an absolute storm.

After a general introduction into what communication is etc, I launched straight into ‘back to back’, an activity done in pairs. This needs a bit of preparation before hand but its well worth it. I pre-prepared some A4 sheets that basically had random shapes on there. Triangles, squares, circles etc etc. Filled the page I did. Make it complex. I prepared two different sheets of A4 per pair. Then, I split the kids into pairs, putting them ‘back to back’ (sitting down works best). Then, they take it in turns to describe to their ‘partner’ the shapes/ picture on the paper whilst the other one attempts to draw it (I use mini-whiteboards for this). Some kids managed to get exact replicas, others were hopeless. I then used this to draw out the importance of good communication in achieving corporate objectives.

I then followed it up with a classic clip from the Two Ronnie’s. What a belter. I used to use the tried and tested ‘communication problems’ scene from Fawlty Towers but I think that’s best left for customer service. The clip lasts about 6 minutes and covers lot’s of discussion points relating to poor communication, for example, duplication of work. Four candles? Enjoy!

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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