
Starter Activity - Teacher Talkabout

Graham Prior

6th March 2010

I did this today with my Year 12’s. Went down a storm it did.

I have previously posted a blog about a teaching activity called talkabout, whereby students are given 1 minute to talk about a topic and hit as many related key words as possible. You can find it here.

Today, I turned this whole activity on its head.

I told my students that they had to come up with a topic and that I was going to talkabout it for a minute.

So, I stood outside the room for 2 minutes whilst the students picked a topic along with the key words related to that topic. I then had one minute to talkabout the topic, guessing as many of the key words as possible.

A great alternative to the original.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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