
Takeovers and Mergers - the BUSS4 Card Game

Jim Riley

4th March 2012


We’ve had lots of fun playing the BUSS4 Takeovers and Mergers card game at the BUSS4 CPD courses this week. The card pack is a terrific way to engage students with the concept of M&A and to build their familiarity with a wide range of recent (and some not-so-recent) major takeovers and mergers. As we have tried the cards out on each course, we’ve asked colleagues to suggest ways in which the resource can be used and /or adapted for further use. We’ll be adding these suggestions to this blog entry over the next few days.

The card game is one of several teaching resources included in our AQA BUSS4 Section A toolkit which is published on 8 March 2012.

Suggested activities:

Simple matching: match as many takeover and merger pairs as possible (possibly under timed conditions). Initially a smaller number of pairs could be used; later on during the research process, the entire pack might be tried.

Label on students heads. Students need to find out which business they are and then pair up with the correct match.

Memory Pairs: Cards placed face down. Students turn over two and need to make a pair.

Dominoes. Cards are distributed amongst students. One students shouts a card out. Another student has to shout out the match. When a match is made that student shouts out another logo etc etc until all cards are matched

Stick or twist. Cards are dealt to students. They have to decide whether or not they have a good match and can twist for a new card or stick

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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