
Store Wars - Comparing Businesses operating in the same sector

Mrs C Wilkin-Mead

13th January 2012

The Guardian have some excellent business articles on their website which always make for a good talking point or research source.

This article compares businesses operating in the same sector and puts forward ideas about how well they are competing with each other. Store Wars has looked at a range of business formats including supermarkets, card shops, toy shops and many more.

This could be a great resource to look at customer service, differentiation, competitive pricing, sectors of industry etc.

This article on Store Wars is a weekly feature in the Guardian, they have already covered a broad selection of businesses. This could be used for a mini research project or as a source for students to prepare presentations on different sectors. My students have found these articles interesting, particularly as an additional source of research for assessment work.

Mrs C Wilkin-Mead

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