
Starter Activities - Linkedin Discussion Group Volume 2

Graham Prior

8th October 2012

Here is the 'second volume' of starter activities from the linkedin discussion group. Something for everyone!

The Golden Envelope and Talkabout

These suggestions came from Ben White

'Golden envelopes purchased from Ebay - blutacked underneath chairs with key questions - correct answers gets a choccie from my box of celebrations. Sometimes use different questions and sometimes the same (they only get the choccie if BOTH match (and are correct!)

Also love removing a pupil from classroom to think about a topic just studied / last lesson's learnings - all pupils write a key term on board in their absence then bring pupil back into chair in middle of room. Pupil has to say all the key terms on the board behind them (without looking!). Lots of variations - you say we play question style etc'

A-Z Economics and Golden Word Association

These suggestions came from Ben Cox

'A-Z of Economics! Students in pairs are given ten minutes to come up with an economic term for each letter of the alphabet (the link may be tedious as long as they can explain it - you be the judge). They will score a point if they have a unique word which no other pair has got if more than one pair has got it they score nothing and depending on class size if more than half have the same word they loose a point. Lots of fun and good competition between pairs. I have found it good for refreshing students thoughts on economics after the summer break or useful at the end of a topic'


'Golden Word Association - Give the students a topic such as 'Elasticity' and they have three minutes to come up with as many words associated with the key topic as they can. You then reveal your pre-selected 'golden words' which you feel maybe are particular important to that topic and if the students have that word on their list they will score the equivalent points. So the more words a student can associate with a topic the more chance they have of hitting the golden words. Has worked nicely as a starter or as part of revision and can start some good discussion around the golden words'

Twenty Questions

This suggestion came from David Wood

'I've been playing 20 Questions this week. I've got a business term/phrase written down, they have 20 questions, to which I can only answer yes/No, to work out the term. Very simple, requires little preparation but the students have to think to come up with questions which reveal the answer. Of course they can randomly guess - but lose lives quickly!'

Some real cracking ideas here....

Keep an eye out for Volume 3...coming soon...

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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