
Some BUSS4 Section B Essay Questions to Ponder and Plan

Jim Riley

12th February 2014

Here are some practice BUSS4 Section B Essay Questions which could be used for revision / essay planning practice.I've taken account of what has been asked in Section B up to now and also the current Section A research theme on China.Here they are. If I come up with any more, I'll add them to this blog!

BUSS4 Section B Essays

Is now a good time for successful businesses to take significantly greater risks?

Do you agree that diversification is no longer the most risky strategy a business can undertake?

Given the speed of change in modern business, do you agree that being a market leader is now more of a threat than an opportunity?

To what extent do you agree that a strategy of retrenchment will inevitably weaken not strengthen a business?

Can businesses make high profits and still act in the best interests of society?

Do you agree that a highly profitable business should also try to be a sustainable business?

Is a strategy of investment in product innovation the best way to deliver long-term success for shareholders?

Do you agree that big businesses can no longer be relied upon to behave ethically?

Is scientific decision-making the best approach to determining strategy in a fast-changing external environment?

In your opinion, is the economic environment in the UK favourable for business at the moment?

In the current business environment, product development is more important than market development. Do you agree?

To what extent should businesses that damage the environment be made to pay for their actions?

Do you agree that strong leadership is the most important cause of a successful organisational culture?

Is an external growth strategy better than an internal growth strategy in the current economic climate?

To what extent do you agree that the best way to achieve significant change in an organisation is to recruit a new leader?

Is technological change the most important driver of change in business?

Can a large business survive in the long-term if it is not prepared to change?

To what extent does the rapid pace of technological change make corporate planning unnecessary?

To what extent are vision and values the most important factors in the sustained success of a business?

Does the emergence of Big Data make business decision-making easier or harder?

Do the benefits of being a socially-responsible business now outweigh the costs?

Do you agree that customers are now the most important stakeholders in business?

To what extent is it possible to plan for technological change?

Should the Boards of multinationals be worried or excited by climate change?

Do you agree that mission and vision statements are not worth the paper they are printed on?

Should the pursuit of profit still be the main purpose and objective of business?

Can private businesses afford to take bigger risks that public companies?

Is the current economic environment most attractive for businesses that focus on offering customers value for money?

Should the UK government require businesses to improve the working conditions of their employees?

To what extent can a business anticipate rather than react to changes in the external environment?

Should so-called "zombie businesses" be forced to close?

Is a strategy of retrenchment a sign of management strength or weakness?

To what extent is business confidence the most important factor in determining high much risk a business is prepared to take?

On balance, do you think the UK's membership of the European Union (EU) is a positive influence for business in the UK?

Can businesses that behave unethically expect to satisfy shareholders in the long-term?

Do you agree that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be the most important objective for global brands?

In your opinion, does society need business more than business needs society?

Can big businesses that lose their position as market leader ever expect to regain their top position?

Are global brands a force for good or bad?

To what extent does a strong emphasis on CSR inevitably stifle innovation?

Is imitation rather than innovation the best strategy for long-term profitable growth?

Has technological change made markets and industries more or less competitive?

Can new market entrants ever hope to compete effectively with established multinationals?

In your opinion, will product life cycles inevitably shorten further as a result of technological change?

Is strong brand loyalty a cause or effect of business success?

Do shareholders or customers have most influence on how a business treats the environment?

Are takeovers and mergers the best way for a business to transform its long-term prospects?

Do you agree that the success or failure of a large takeover or merger can only be assessed over the long-term?

Will the costs of a retrenchment strategy inevitably outweigh the benefits?

Is the most important task of a new CEO to refocus the business on what it does best?

Do you agree that financial performance is the most important reason for attempting to change corporate culture?

Is organisational culture the root cause of unethical business behaviour?

To what extent are external factors more important than internal forces in determining whether a business needs to undertake a significant change programme?

Do you agree that step change rather than incremental change is the best way to transform a business?

Is leadership the secret of business success?

Do you agree that setting a clear vision is the most important role for a leader trying to achieve change in a business?

Do you agree that the successful multinational businesses because they stick with their leaders for the long-term?

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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