
Setting Budgets - The Wedding Planner

Graham Prior

21st September 2009

Re-visiting my old AS Unit 1 Lesson plans I found this good activity to get the students thinking about the limitations of setting budgets.

I put them into pairs, each pair with a mini-whiteboard. I then told them a little story.

I told them that their only daughter was getting married and as they are feeing generous, they have offered to pay for everything. I then told them that they needed to set a wedding budget (but without the costs).

I then gave them 10 minutes to list everything that would need to be included in their wedding budget.

We then went through their responses on the whiteboard.

They were gaping holes in every students budget, illustrating that without experience, vital costs can be missed. We then linked this to an entrepreneur setting an expenditure budget.

Bingo…job done..

There are loads of wedding budget planners available on-line. It may also be good to have a couple of ‘mixed’ pairs as well.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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