
Runaround Now!!!

Graham Prior

19th September 2009

A good kinesthetic activity for delivering bread and butter pro’s and con’s of any topic as well as points that need to be categorised based on the classic Mike Reid Gameshow, Runaround.

Take advantages and disadvantages. At one end of the room I have an A3 piece of paper with advantage on and at the other end one with disadvantage on. I then shout out an advantage/ disadvantage and the kids need to move to the correct end of the room.

Another good one is for market research revision, maybe as a starter after it has just been covered. Put primary at one end and secondary at the other then shout things out like, ‘it’s cheap’.....‘mintel’...etc..try and come up with ones that could be both such as bias and get the kids to justify why they are there.

I also did it with forms of ownership. I had the 4 key forms around the room and shouted out things such as ‘one owner’...‘21 owners’ (good one that)...’£50,000 share capital’..

Gets the kids out their seats and moving and that can’t be bad.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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