
Revision Activity - Heads Together

Graham Prior

18th December 2012

I thought it was worth resubmitting this blog as many schools and colleges look for different ways to engage students during revision lessons. This was one of the revision activities that I demonstrated at the TBBLE Revision Special CPD days and is probably one of my favourite revision activities.Students are put into groups of 4. They then number themselves 1 – 4. Advise the class that you are going to ask them a series of progressively more challenging questions that all pupils will be expected to answer and that they will not know who will be called on to answer the question. The teacher then asks the first question and says ‘Heads Together’. Each group then needs to discuss the answer to the question and all of them must be able to verbalise it (this makes it an excellent differentiated revision activity). Then, the teacher calls out a number between 1 and 4. If the teacher calls 4 then all the number 4’s must put their hand up. The teacher then chooses one of the number 4’s to answer the question. The teacher then asks the remaining number 4’s if they agree with the answer and if they would like to add any further information. Ask the next question and repeat.What is so good about this activity is that all the pupils learn from each other as they all need to be able to answer the question. This makes it a perfect revision activity.During TBBLE, I used an actual exam question from BUSS2 and some of the delegates had not taught the topic yet after the activity everyone could verbalise the answer. Stunning stuff.Perfect for collabrative revision…..

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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