
Revision Activities - What’s in the Bag?

Michelle Stephenson

5th January 2010

This is a simple idea inspired by a game played over Christmas. The focus is to test knowledge of key terms and can be delivered in a variety of ways….

Download Whats in the Bag


You will need to:

Print out the 108 key terms onto card and cut out. The content on these cards are specifically for the AQA Buss 3 specification. If you would like to use this activity for a different course the PowerPoint template, can be found at

Approach 1 – Bag per Team
• For each team they will need a bag of terms and an egg timer.
• Each member of the team takes it in turn to be the question master.
• The question master, takes out a term from the bag and provides hints on what it is without using the words within the key term.
• The contestant must guess as many terms as possible before the egg timer runs out.
• Once the time is up, the bag is passed to the contestant who now takes on the role of the question master.
• This is repeated until all members of the team have had the opportunity to take on the role of the question master and contestant. The winning team member is the one gets the most terms right in the time given.

Approach 2 – Quick fire round, whole class.
As the class enter the room, each student must take a term from the bag. They must not show this to their classmates.

Go around the class asking the students to describe their term, students can then shout out the answers or perhaps write their guesses on a mini-whiteboard. The student who guesses the term first, gets a point. The student with the most amount of points at the end of the round wins.

Randomly select students throughout the lesson to take the challenge. Perhaps use the random name selector from team challenge 1, last term.

Approach 3 – What am I?In pairs
Each student takes a term and without looking at it puts it on their forehead. They must ask questions to their partner and guess what the term is.

Development Ideas

Abba Approach - Develop the use of the terms further by adding in a “Gimme, Gimme” round. Eg Decentralisation, “Gimme 2 benefits of decentralisation.”
Objectives and Strategy – Give the students a small case study, situation or list of objectives and ask them to select from the bag possible strategies the business could adopt to achieve its corporate aim.
Cause and Effect – Direct Q and A, students pick out a term and consider possible causes and effects on a business.

Alternative – “Don’t Repeat Ronnie” fully adaptable PowerPoint Game available at

Michelle Stephenson

Michelle Stephenson has been teaching business and education for over 20 years in the UK and overseas. At her previous college she was an advanced practitioner with responsibilities for implementing strategies to support effective teaching and learning. Experienced examiner and presenter on teacher CPD and student events.

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