
Reach Out - Quiz 1

Paul Hoang

25th February 2011

IBDP Business and Management students will be busy preparing for the Paper 1 pre-release case study. How well do you know Reach Out? Take this 10-question quiz to find out…

Reach Out – Quiz questions #1

1. Why was the new part-time manager in workforce planning appointed?

2. What is the name given to a self-employed person who may work for several employers?

3. Who is Andrew Grandin?

4. How much (%) is Neil Johnson’s commission at Reach Out?

5. How much do private therapists charge up to per hour for a visit to a newly diagnosed child?

6. What is the monthly average donation received from readers of Laura Chan’s blog?

7. Is the majority of communication between Neil, Laura and Andrew formal or informal?

8. What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

9. How much does Reach Out charge per hour for its one-to-one therapy sessions?

10. What does SOFA stand for?

Scroll down below for the answers…

Reach Out – Quiz questions #1 (answers)

1. Why was the new part-time manager in workforce planning appointed? To allow Neil more time to concentrate on finance and strategy

2. What is the name given to a self-employed person who may work for several employers? Freelancer

3. Who is Andrew Grandin? The part-time manager in charge of workforce planning (and Olympic silver medalist – trampoline!)

4. How much (%) is Neil Johnson’s commission at Reach Out? 10%

5. How much do private therapists charge up to per hour for a visit to a newly diagnosed child? $100

6. What is the monthly average donation received from readers of Laura Chan’s blog? $200

7. Is the majority of communication between Neil, Laura and Andrew formal or informal? Informal

8. What is Asperger’s Syndrome? A form of autism

9. How much does Reach Out charge per hour for its one-to-one therapy sessions? $25 ($20 for the therapist plus $5 for Reach Out)

10. What does SOFA stand for? Statement of financial activities (the equivalent of P&L account for charities)

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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