

Graham Prior

8th October 2009

I did this one today with my Year 10’s, with incredible results.

Teaching sole traders, I showed the kids the DC7 vending video from teachers TV. If you haven’t seen it, make sure you do. A great 10 minute video capturing all the key benefits and drawbacks of being a sole trader based around a guy called Duncan Campbells vending machine business. It covers where he got the idea from, how he raised his finance, typical day, problems etc.

I then, gave them 10 minutes individually to write down 3 questions that they would like to ask Duncan. I then gave them a further 5 minutes in pairs to decide on the best two questions from the 6 that they had.

I then went round the room, getting the kids to ask the questions, and the other kids answering what they thought the answers would be. I hardly needed to teach. I was literally, the ‘guide at the side’.

Typical questions were:

Why did you go into business on your own?
What does your typical day involve?
Would you consider getting a partner?
What is the biggest attraction in running your own business?
How many hours do you work?
How many holidays do you get?

Students then discussed what they thought the answers would be.

Benefits, drawbacks and evaluation covered in 1 hour.



Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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