
Q&A - What is meant by having a “customer focus”?

Jim Riley

1st May 2009

Quite simply, a business that has a “customer focus” is one which takes the time and trouble to understand and address customer needs.

A customer is anyone who buys a product – either a good or a service – from a business. A customer will be satisfied with his/her purchase if the product meets the customer’s needs. So it is essential that a business has a good understanding of what customers want and need from a product.

If customer needs are met, then the customer is generally satisfied.

The following ideas are usually considered to be fundamental in achieving customer satisfaction:

• The product or service must deliver what is promised – i.e. it must be of good quality
• Sales and promotional activities need to create a positive experience for the customer. For example, the attitudes of employees who make contact with customers should be positive and professional.
• After-sales service should also be positive and appropriate (e.g. user training, help lines, servicing). Customers often need reassurance after they have bought something that they have made the right choice, or help in using a product properly.

Customer expectations of good customer service also play a part in customer satisfaction. These expectations typically include factors such as:

• Safety and security – the product is safe to use!
• Clear and accurate information
• Legal rights to be upheld
• Complaints, enquiries and suggestions are dealt with fairly and promptly
• Special needs catered for (e.g. disability access)

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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