
Q&A - Is there an optimal level of gearing?

Jim Riley

5th January 2010

Gearing varies from firm to firm and from industry to industry. It is important not to rush to judgement about the gearing level of a business without considering other factors such as profitability, liquidity and the competitive position of the business.

How can the gearing ratio be evaluated?

• A business with a gearing ratio of more than 50% is traditionally said to be “highly geared”.
• A business with gearing of less than 25% is traditionally described as having “low gearing”
• Something between 25% - 50% would be considered normal for a well-established business which is happy to finance its activities using debt.

It is important to remember that financing a business through long-term debt is not necessarily a bad thing! Long-term debt is normally cheap, and it reduces the amount that shareholders have to invest in the business.

What is a sensible level of gearing? Much depends on the ability of the business to grow profits and generate positive cash flow to service the debt. A mature business which produces strong and reliable cash flows can handle a much higher level of gearing than a business where the cash flows are unpredictable and uncertain.

Another important point to remember is that the long-term capital structure of the business is very much in the control of the shareholders and management. Steps can be taken to change or manage the level of gearing – for example:

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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