
Pricing and the consumer - a question of haggling?

Jim Riley

10th February 2012

I got into trouble with Mrs T2U last week when I criticised her for accepting the first price offered by a supplier of bespoke curtains. “We’ve been ripped off!” I suggested, indicating that a door-to-door salesman is there to close the sale and will always accept a lower offer before signing the customer. A period of silence from Mrs T2U ensued…

I’m sure the curtains will be lovely (honest), but was I right to suggest that consumers should haggle? Do you feel comfortable negotiating the price of something or do you take it as a given?

This BBC video suggests that haggling is becoming more common, though I’m not sure there is much evidence used to back up that assertion. We British are typically reserved about negotiation - I don’t think haggling comes naturally. What do you think?

Further below, I’ve included the classic Life of Brian haggling sketch to show exactly how it should be done…

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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