
Poor leadership examples!

Jim Riley

31st August 2014

This great BBC article looks at 'The worst CEOs of 2013' Whilst this was written at the end of last year, it is a great starting point to consider some of the leadership issues that these businesses were suffering from, and then evaluate whether anything has changed for the positive since the start of 2014.

The five included are-

  1. Steve Ballmer of Microsoft
  2. Eddie Lampert of KMart and Sears
  3. Thorsten Heins of Blackberry
  4. Ron Johnson of JC Penney
  5. Eike Batista the Brazilian gold mine businessman

Whilst students are likely to heard of the issues surrounding Blackberry and the competition that they face, many are unlikely to have read about some of the problems facing the other businesses.

This would work well as a carousel activity with learner groups looking at different issues and then sharing their findings with the whole group, and could be used as a starter for leadership in the new term. As the A level and now the IB call for students to use their own knowledge of business cases studies for the exam.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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