
Peston’s Hat-trick - Bradford and Bingley is Nationalised

Jim Riley

28th September 2008

Once again BBC Business Editor has broken price-sensitive news, announcing about 5 minutes ago that Bradford & Bingley is to be nationalised…


First it was Northern Rock, then it was Lloyds HBOS. Now Robert Peston’s insider contacts have again allowed him to break news about a quoted company well before the company itself is able to publish price-sensitive information via the Stock Exchange. Peston’s blog is certainly becoming the place to go for first news of the big stories!

I wonder whether the Stock Exchange will think that it is worth investigating the source of Peston’s announcements. There is a common theme - they all involve highly confidential information relating to the financial problems experienced by the UK banking sector; information that will be privy to a relatively small group of people involved in the regulation of the sector.

What must the Board of B&B be thinking just a few miles away from here?

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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