
Paper 2 ( Standard) and Paper 3 (Higher)

Jim Riley

4th May 2009

This is the final paper for standard and higher level students and the most important. The data response paper is worth 40% of the final grade for higher level students and 50% of the final grade for standard level students. A paper you just have to get right.

There are five data responses questions on the paper and candidates have to answer three of them in 2 hours. Each question is worth 20 marks. You have 5 minutes reading time. Time management is crucial, you are working to complete each chosen question in 40 minutes.

Every question follows the same format. There will be a piece of written data or some numerical data. or most common a combination of written and numerical. Each 20 mark question is divided up into four distinct questions:

a) Basic definitions, you will be asked to define two economic terms that are mentioned in the text. Each definition is worth two marks. You should not be hanging around on this section, if you have revised and learnt your definitions this is four easy marks (12 easy marks across the whole paper).

b) and c) These two sections will be asking you to apply core pieces of economic theory that you have studied to the text. Each question in this section will be worth 4 marks. It is very common for at least one, and sometimes both of these questions, to ask you to draw a diagram. As I have said in previous blogs you cannot escape the importance of learning diagrams and being able to reproduce them accurately. When you draw the diagram make sure it is in context i.e. if the question is focused on biofuels, label the axis with reference to the biofuel market.

If a four mark question asks you to draw a diagram you will not score full marks by simply drawing the diagram and moving on, make sure you explain the diagram to the examiner.

d) Is the question that carries the most marks and will ask you to use information from the text and your own knowledge. It is worth eight out of 20 marks. Make sure you do use your own knowledge and information from the text- quote data and lines from the text to support your own analysis. Again evaluate wherever possible, not just at the end of your answer.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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