The revision quizzes below are designed to support students preparing for BUSS3 - Strategies for Success.

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To paraphrase @tutor2u_graham, this video is 17 minutes of "Pure Leadership Gold Dust!".

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Application is one area that many BUSS3 students seem to struggle with and a lack of application within answers not only restricts marks for application but can also limit opportunities for good...

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28th February 2015

Don't Reshore, Rightshore

Recently, Ernst & Young published a report encouraging manufacturers to seize a 'once in a generation' chance to add billions to UK GDP and rebalance the national economy by reshoring...

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There's a lot you can squeeze out of this fascinating video behind the scenes of GSK's main UK toothpaste factory.The sheer scale and capacity of the Aquafresh production line is staggering. The...

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A bumper edition of The Biz Quiz on its return after half-term - 15 questions for you!Launch The Biz Quiz - 23 February 2015Download printable version (pdf)Download teacher solution (pdf)

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Each year we recommend ten businesses that we feel are particularly suitable for BUSS4 students who want to focus their research into firms and industries that are relevant for both the Section A...

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There have been nine sittings of the BUSS4 exam now, based on the first six research themes (Emerging Markets, UK Recession, Corporate Social Responsibility, Takeovers and Mergers, Corporate...

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Which UK tourist attractions do you think each of the following names represents? (** see the end of this blog for a link to the answers)

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This is my second blog looking at how to develop your exam skills and maximise your marks in GCSE (AQA) Business Studies.

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Valentine's Day seems a suitable moment to look at the campaign which McDonalds have been running in the US for the last fortnight.

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A recent article in the Guardian on how 3D printing will impact on manufacturing is pure gold for this years BUSS4 research theme on UK manufacturing.

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This is a great resource that is useful for 'setting the scene' in relation to the UK automotive industry.

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An intriguing concept that seems to be catching on; Zappos (and now part of Amazon) give their new recruits "the offer"; telling the new workers that the company will pay them over $2,000 to quit...

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When I turned 42 recently I was suddenly drawn to Radio 4, in particular, Just a Minute.

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A great little video from the BBC which looks at some of the key manufacturing changes that have occurred in the UK over the last 60 years.

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