The latest edition of The Biz Quiz is ready to go - good luck!

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The rapid growth of the so-called "sharing economy" is a fantastic example to use with students as they explore how technological change is disrupting a wide variety of industries.

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I bet we've all done it. Visited a high street store to take a look at something we'd like to buy, then checked our smartphones to see where we can buy it cheaper or look at online reviews to see...

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Many thanks for Data Analyst Felix Richter at Statista for sending me this superb infographic which compares the average amount spent by consumers online in key countries.

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This fascinating infographic from the excellent team at Statista highlights the phenomenal business value that can be created by startups that successfully exploit the opportunities from disruptive...

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Nobody likes being told what to do, right? Quite true, but this glorious clip from "The Meaning of Life" illustrates the drawbacks of laissez faire leadership in the context of the military.

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The intensity of the competitive battle for online supermarket sales in the UK has just got hotter with the news that Aldi is to launch its first e-commerce service in the UK in early 2016.

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Sir Philip Green's retail empire Arcadia dominates the UK high street. However, as this FT Business video explains, Sir Philip's fashion brand portfolio faces intensive competition, not the least...

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I’m always nervous about appearing on Facebook and Instagram in the same outfit. And it appears that I’m not alone.

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A thoughtful and balanced analysis here from the FT on the broader implications of the VW emissions-cheating scandal for the whole car industry. On the one hand the scandal is a financial disaster...

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Primark. Look at the charts below which demonstrate a strong growth in revenues and store openings. Primark is successful; it’s fast; it’s cheap!

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This short two-minute video from PwC provides a useful introduction into the strategic issues and challenges raised by technological change - and particularly e-commerce.

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The unfolding scandal of how VW cheated emissions testing systems and, in the process, systematically and deliberately misled hundreds of thousands of customers in the USA and beyond, is rapidly...

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With the Rugby World Cup upon us, there a number of opportunities to discuss various aspects of business theory including leadership, motivation, teamwork and culture. But the All Blacks Haka also...

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As students get to grips with the new BUSS4 research theme, it would be easy to follow the line of analysis that the growth of online shopping will lead to a (further) decline of 'bricks and mortar'.

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This is an excellent example to use with students studying correlation as part of the new AQA A Level Business Specification.

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The third Biz Quiz of the term is now ready to try! Good luck!Launch The Biz Quiz 23 September 2015Download printable version (pdf)Download solution (pdf)

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According to research by OC&C Strategy Consultants, PayPal and Google, online sales across the UK, US, Germany and China will grow by £320bn between now and 2018, increasing the value of the...

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17th September 2015

More Retrenchment at HP

The numbers involved are quite staggering. If this happened in the UK it would be front-page news. Computing giant HP has announced a further 30,000 jobs losses as part of a major corporate...

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It's better to remain a private company rather than "go public" - for now. That's the judgement that the Board of "preppy" fashion retailer Jack Will have made - along with the decision to part...

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