Is This the End of Black Friday?
Asda have announced that they will not be participating in
Black Friday this year despite introducing it to the UK taking inspiration from their American counterpart, WalMart. But why?
Many successful UK retailers have ambitions to replicate their model in international markets, but come unstuck with the wrong strategy. Not surprisingly, John Lewis is also looking to exploit...

One Week Only: Business Revision Guides & Worked Answers for £3
We ran a popular promotion over half-term for Economics students and teachers. Now it's the turn of GCSE & A Level Business!

The Biz Quiz - 11 November 2015
Another cracking week of business new stories are covered in the latest edition of The Biz Quiz. We'll be very surprised if anyone gets 100% this week. If you do, tweet us your result

BUSS3 Revision Presentations
Updated links to the individual streamed revision presentations for BUSS3 are provided below.
Are you the next Lord Sugar?
When trying to make lessons more exciting, why not don your
Lord Sugar hat and run The Apprentice?

Retailers to Fight Back Using Beaconing Technology
The opportunities for leveraging technology to boost retail sales aren't just available to e-commerce sites. The rapid pace of technological change is impacting how physical retail stores can...

Unilever's Direct E-Commerce Sales Growing Fast
If you are the owner of one of the world's most extensive and best-known consumer product portfolios, you might expect to be well-placed to exploit the opportunities offered by e-commerce.After a...
SuperGroup, the owners of Superdry, announced some very strong H1 financial results last week and, in doing so, indicated that the growth of its UK store portfolio might now be coming to a close.

John Lewis Christmas Ad 2015 - Man on the Moon
What another superb Christmas ad by John Lewis - this time raising awareness for Age UK. Stunning.

Starbucks Powers On Towards $20bn Sales
Is there a better example of a multinational business that is succeeding in consumer markets around the world than Starbucks at the moment? Perhaps Apple comes close, but there's little doubt that...

Tough Times for JCB as Emerging Markets Weaken
For a business that prides itself on taking a long-term perspective to business, these must be really tough times for the management and workforce at JCB.

Autocratic Management with Mike Bassett, England Manager
Mike Bassett: England Manager was a 2001 comedy film staring Ricky Tomlinson as football manager Mike Bassett, who, having led Norwich City to the 'Mr Clutch Cup' is appointed England Manager.
They'll Make a Profit When PIGSS Can Fly!
How do the key aims a business can set relate to pigs? This is a handy memory tool.

The Biz Quiz - 4 November 2015
Back from the half-term break, here is the latest edition of The Biz Quiz.

Can McDonalds Succeed with Premium Burgers?
Will you be lovin' it? 100% The ingredients look tempting: British and Irish beef, Beechwood smoked bacon, cheddar cheese, wholegrain mustard mayo, ketchup, Batavia lettuce and red onion, all in a...

How Effective are Permanent Sales Promotions?
Those of us old enough to remember when a promotional sale really was a sale will not be surprised to hear that most goods on sale now in UK shops are being offered as part of a sales promotion.

From Clicks to Bricks! Amazon opens a bookstore!
Who would have thought it? Amazon, the online retailer most closely associated with the decline of the physical bookstore, is opening a physical bookstore!
Why the Future of AirBnB is Up in the Air
AirBnB's procedures are being put to a vote in San Francisco this week, but why?

Research Suggests Wearables Market Set for UK Takeoff?
Are you one of the 6%? That's the 6% of UK adults who already own a "wearable" digital device such as a smartwatch or fitness device.