SuperGroup, the owners of Superdry, announced some very strong H1 financial results last week and, in doing so, indicated that the growth of its UK store portfolio might now be coming to a close.

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What another superb Christmas ad by John Lewis - this time raising awareness for Age UK. Stunning.

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Is there a better example of a multinational business that is succeeding in consumer markets around the world than Starbucks at the moment? Perhaps Apple comes close, but there's little doubt that...

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For a business that prides itself on taking a long-term perspective to business, these must be really tough times for the management and workforce at JCB.

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Mike Bassett: England Manager was a 2001 comedy film staring Ricky Tomlinson as football manager Mike Bassett, who, having led Norwich City to the 'Mr Clutch Cup' is appointed England Manager.

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How do the key aims a business can set relate to pigs? This is a handy memory tool.

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Back from the half-term break, here is the latest edition of The Biz Quiz.

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Will you be lovin' it? 100% The ingredients look tempting: British and Irish beef, Beechwood smoked bacon, cheddar cheese, wholegrain mustard mayo, ketchup, Batavia lettuce and red onion, all in a...

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Those of us old enough to remember when a promotional sale really was a sale will not be surprised to hear that most goods on sale now in UK shops are being offered as part of a sales promotion.

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Who would have thought it? Amazon, the online retailer most closely associated with the decline of the physical bookstore, is opening a physical bookstore!

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AirBnB's procedures are being put to a vote in San Francisco this week, but why?

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Are you one of the 6%? That's the 6% of UK adults who already own a "wearable" digital device such as a smartwatch or fitness device.

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Mumsnet has been around quite a while. Sixteen years to be precise - it was created almost exactly the same time as tutor2u! During that time the opportunities and threats for digital content...

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Let's imagine - for the moment - that the delivery of secondary education is all about productivity and efficiency. What is the optimum size for a secondary school in order to achieve maximum value...

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Four candles. No, fork handles, handles for forks.

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Hailing from Sunderland, I do have an affinity for the Nissan car plant which is one of the most efficient in the world.

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Shop Directs recent investment in digital retailing has paid off as the company posts a 78% increase in full-year profits.

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Can You Connect is a bellwork/ starter activity designed to develop students exam skills.

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23rd October 2015

Maltesers and Motivation

This is a really simple and effective way of introducing Herzberg to students but is equally as good as a starter to a lesson straight after Herzberg has been taught.

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Back to the Future 2 (as of tomorrow, a film solely about the past!) predicted that 2015 would be a world of flying cars, wearable technology and personalised advertisements; well, two out of three...

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