This task ask the students to be the examiner, marking 18 mark questions and judging which level answers have achieved and justifying why.

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Another busy week in the business news. Were you keeping watch? We're about to find out...

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An examiner favourite is the question that essentially asks - why do larger businesses enjoy higher profits? The answer lies somewhere in the complex relationship between scale, efficiency and the...

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Take a look around during any journey up and down the M1 or across the M62 and you'll see them. Sheds. Big sheds. Unglamorous and perhaps even ugly. But, they provide an essential part of...

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You may remember the collapse of retailer HMV back in January 2013 - forced into administration by a combination of poor strategy and intense competition from supermarket retailers and online...

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A terrific short discussion here by the FT Business team which explores the rapid development of online platforms which enable the demand and supply of labour to be matched in new ways.The...

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Argos are a company with a plan for the festive season, but

is their strategy forward thinking or just plain desperate?

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A fantastic article for the BUSS4ers amongst you; the BBC have analysed the growth of the tech start-up, the strategies adopted by the most successful, the difficulties in expanding the idea...

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How quickly would you like your online or mobile purchases to be delivered? Tomorrow? In a few days? Or today?

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Two years after its controversial privatisation, Royal Mail has announced a takeover that it hopes will enable it to compete more effectively in the already brutally competitive parcel delivery...

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An interesting piece in the FT recently explores how Western businesses are increasingly looking to e-commerce as the preferred approach to reaching customers in China.

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We've seen what happens on Black Friday. And for most retailers the following Christmas period is a crucial time that to a large extent determines the profit for the year. However, there is another...

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Localisation - adapting the marketing mix to reflect the needs and wants of local customers - is a key factor in the success (or otherwise) of businesses wanting to succeed in international...

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The way we order fast food is changing rapidly, not the least because of the role of technological change and increasing consumer preference for convenience.

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The ONS has just released its latest statistical bulletin on retail sales and reported continued growth in online sales.

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In just seven years, budget fitness operator The Gym Group has grown rapidly to achieve a stock market flotation (IPO) valuing the business at around £250 million.

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A superb video here from the FT which explores how fashions come and go in business - and never more so than with business strategy.

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Are Uber drivers in the UK self-employed entrepreneurs, or are they really employees of Uber who deserve the rights afforded by UK employment law?

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20th November 2015

Can Pebble Beat Apple?

The smartwatch market has attracted several new entrants recently, most notably Apple with its iWatch. However, years before Apple even released the iWatch, a small Silicon Valley company called...

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A new entrant into the UK grocery market has arrived. Amazon Pantry - selling an initial range of 4,000 popular branded grocery items - is now available to Amazon Prime customers. What will the...

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