This new chart from the excellent Statista media team suggests that music albums are firmly in the decline phase of their product life cycle. What is more interesting is that even digital versions...

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The owner of Bennett’s Café and Bistro (rated #11 out of 600 restaurants in York) gave us a gift of a business studies lesson last week; a disgruntled customer, unhappy about the service and the...

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Since we launched our BUSS3 revision guide over 23,000 copies have been used by AQA A2 Business students as they prepare for one of the toughest exam challenges.

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Would you like some fully-worked examples of how BUSS4 Section B essay titles can be answered effectively?

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N Brown, a British home shopping business aimed at plus-size and more mature customers' has announced that online orders now account for 66% if its total sales.

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A storm in a coffee cup is brewing as Nestle look to sue an Israeli coffee company for using a George Clooney lookalike in a TV advert.

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Every business student should have noticed an important business news story - the significant fall in global oil prices. A key question to understand is: why has the oil price fallen so far and...

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You've probably heard of the IoT (Internet of Things). But what is it?

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A really useful discussion here by the FT Business team on the growth strategy of Netflix.

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Some wonderful chains of argument for teachers and students who want to deepen their understanding of the theory underpinning the concept of corporate social responsibility.

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Another cracking week in the Business news is covered in the latest edition of The Biz Quiz.

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Four in 10 UK shoppers chose click-and-collect during the festive period, however, 36% of customers encountered problems with their click-and-collect orders.

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We reported back in September 2015 about Aldi's plans to launch their first e-commerce venture in the UK. Now it has finally opened for business!

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You can only imagine what the atmosphere is like at Asda Headquarters in Leeds as the process of making hundreds of managers redundant begins.

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Here's a short video case study that provides a great example of how a business can position itself in a distinctive niche market.

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There is a telling line in this BBC news report on Walmart's first ever mass store closure programme.

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If you are a GoPro shareholder, don't look down. The share price graph below looks terrible as GoPro struggles to grow in an increasingly competitive market.

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Ladies. You are being ripped off. Next time you're out shopping, make sure you buy the male version of any product where there is a choice offered based on gender-influenced packaging.

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Forget your FitBit or Apple iWatch. What you need is a smart bra.

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Show this to your students and see what they make of it!

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