After a review lasting almost a year, HSBC has decided to keep its Headquarters based in London. It was considering a move away, with Shanghai and Hong Kong two potential locations.

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This is a brilliant teaching resource which provides a super context to the topic of technological change.

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In this summary note we introduce potential approaches for students researching the impact of e-commerce on business performance and on strategy, both nationally and internationally

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In this short note we highlight some of the key factors influencing if, why and how businesses respond to the growth of e-commerce.

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Here are some outline notes which will hopefully help BUSS4 students as they prepare for their Section A essay on E-commerce. In this note we focus on the opportunities and threats of e-commerce.

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This summary is designed to help guide BUSS4 students undertaking their research on the third bullet point - the impact of e-commerce on different stakeholder groups.

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This summary note outlines some key points for students to consider as they research the second BUSS4 research bullet for 2016: the Impact of E-commerce on Businesses and their Functional Areas.

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Here is a summary of some of the key concepts that students need to consider as they complete their BUSS4 research on the Impact of E-commerce on the Competitive Environment Within Industries

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A great example here for students researching the disruptive impact of technological change on traditional industries.

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Here is a great resource to try again and again so that students preparing for the IB Business & Management Paper 1 exam in 2016 are completely familiar with the case study.

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Students preparing for the IB Diploma in Business Management Paper 1 need to be highly familiar with the May 2016 case study - Todos os Mercados.

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The details have been confirmed about our popular revision toolkit for the IB Diploma Paper 1 Case Study for May 2016 - Todos os Mercados.

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A great example here of how an innovative app is helping the owners of boutique fitness classes maximise their class attendance, thereby increasing capacity utilisation and boosting profits.

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The UK is just one of several countries looking at the introduction of a sugar tax. Would it work? How might be affect businesses?

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In what is being described as the most significant new product introduction for Burger King in years, the fast food outlet is adding hot dogs to the menu.

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Liverpool FC supporters staged a mass walkout over the weekend with thousands of fans leaving Anfield on the 77 minute mark, including Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher. But why?

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The last Biz Quiz for this half-term. We're back in two weeks time! Good luck!

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Another superb video here from Jonathan Guthrie at the FT. This time key concepts of shares, share prices, shareholder returns (dividends) and market capitalisation are all explained concisely....

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10th February 2016

Takeovers Explained

What a superb new video resource from Jonathan Guthrie and the FT team. This beautifully-explained video guides us through the motives for takeovers and how they are valued.

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Students exploring the disruptive impact and potential of e-commerce have not shortage of great examples to consider.

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