Apple has filed a patent application in the US to introduce a keyless keyboard. Why? Is this an attempt to reverse the steady long-term decline in global shipments of desktops and laptops?

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The introduction from 1 April 2016 of the National Living Wage is one of the most significant interventions by a UK government in the labour market. The National Living Wage has potentially...

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Facebook users “like” an average of 70 pages each. The type of pages liked gives Facebook a lot of information about the interests of that person and they can also make other inferences about such...

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Amazon, now one of the world's most diversified businesses, is making a success of entering a substantial existing market - again! This time, it is connecting householders with professional trades...

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A terrific video here from the WSJ exploring the competitive strategies of fast-food multinationals in India.

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The sell-out launch of Shanghai Disneyland this week provides students with a superb example of how a multinational can execute a strategy of market development in China.

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Netflix is one of the very best case studies for students to look at when it comes to understanding the disruptive impact of e-commerce and how this can enable rapid and significant expansion into...

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Are UK businesses taking the risk of Brexit sufficiently seriously? Is so, you might expect a large proportion of them to have completed basic contingency planning in the event that the UK decides...

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We're pleased to be offering a free revision webinar for IB Business Management students as they complete their preparations for the Paper 1 exam on 19 May featuring the Todos os Mercados case study.

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We're delighted to be investing in a comprehensive suite of new teaching & learning resources to support teachers and students following the IB Diploma in Business Management. As part of this...

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With technology advancing at a rapid pace companies, are stepping-up their game to stay ahead in the market. The fitness market is a great example of a traditional business model being adapted to...

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Alphabet Inc is perhaps the best example for students to explore when it comes to a diversified business portfolio. The holding company of Google (amongst many other businesses) has decided to put...

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As I write this, my beloved black labrador is sat under the table grazing gently on some organic, gluten-free kale and spinach nibbles, to be washed down with a craft lemon and kipper sorbet....

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In 2013 Nike started delving into the realms of wearable technology, recently unveiling its much anticipated footwear with self-tightening laces - welcome the Nike HyperAdapt 1.0! But Nike will...

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The last Biz Quiz before the Easter break! Good luck and have a great easter holiday!

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A great article on retrenchment for BUSS4 students - includes some really useful links on RBS.

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This is a great read for AQA BUSS4 students! Taking you through the story of Vestiaire Collective - an online marketplace for secondhand fashion very focused on its core business model.

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Domino’s Pizza sees a further increase in sales through e-commerce with online orders up 29% on last year. And with 11.5 million people having downloaded the Domino’s app and app-based orders up by...

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An excellent analysis here of how Greggs has grown its UK business to a size where it is now has more outlets than both McDonald's and Starbucks.

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A new product for a new market. Where does Ryanair's launch of a private corporate jet service sit in the Ansoff Matrix?

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