Examiners for the new AQA AS Business exam papers will be looking more closely for suitable depth in the key skill of analysis.

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In this BUSS4 essay video guide for Section A (2016) we explore whether developments in e-commerce will significantly increase the threat of market disruption from new entrants in the future.

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In this BUSS4 essay guide, we explore whether Brexit is the most significant threat facing businesses in the UK at the moment.

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What are the key themes in the IB Business Management May 2016 case study Todos os Mercados? We've outlined below what we think is the key context from the case study which you may be able to use...

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Young Founders (youngfounders.org), the free programme supported by tutor2u that takes teenagers ideas from bare bones to prototype and pitch deck in two weeks, is coming to Newcastle from 25th...

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I often get asked, ‘what is the best piece of advice you can give me when tackling BUSS4? My answer is always the same, ‘answer the question’.

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Here is a listing of the key calculations and formulae needed by students preparing for the Edexcel A Level Business Year 1 (AS) exam papers. Work your way through the list and make sure you are...

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Well it seems Cliff Richard may well be right as Tui Group have reported a rise of 2% in holidays bookings.

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The choice you make of which Section B essay to write may have a significant impact on your marks in BUSS4. Take the time to make the selection carefully!

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As an experienced examiner for several exam boards, my advice here applies to all students of A Level Business.When answering questions, in particular, questions that test the skill of analysis,...

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In the 9 mark questions, 5 marks are available for evaluation therefore the ability to write sound conclusions is essential if students are to maximise their marks.

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To help students

analyse data more vigorously, I’ve put together a lesson inspired by a

chapter in Freakonomics, along with an intriguing BBC article. In it, students become detectives and have...

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Here is an example of how to structure an 8-mark question in BUSS2.

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Here is an example of how to structure a top-scoring response to a BUSS2 13 mark question, which hopefully will be useful to the thousands of students who are taking this resit paper.

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For the third time in 5 months, Next has downgraded its annual sales guidance.

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"Caffix", a café in central London that tried to sell everything for £1, offers an excellent case study for Business Studies students as well as a great lesson in learning from failure. ... If you...

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My encyclopaedic knowledge of marketing tells me it’ll never catch on, but I’ve been using PREDIJ paragraphs with my A2 students to get them demonstrating Level 4 judgement from the outset, and...

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Market research from investment bank Piper Jaffray reveals the top male and female fashion trends for American teenagers in 2016. Showing your class the graphics can be a great starter into market...

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Facebook is targeting users of Snapchat in an attempt to encourage a higher proportion of its 1.6 billion users to post content on the social media platform.

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Apple, the world's most profitable company, has reported its first fall in quarterly revenues for over 13 years. How significant is this?

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