Our two comprehensive collections of Calculation Practice Sheets for Edexcel A Level Business provide superb lesson activities, homework and revision material for the quantitative elements of the...

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We've got two resource-intensive CPD courses for A Level Business teaching colleagues during September 2016.

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This superb article from Bloomberg Businessweek is packed with marketing strategy less golddust.

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Upmarket burger chain GBK (Gourmet Burger Kitchen) is now to be owned by the same business as Wimpy following a £120m takeover.

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More than one million of Samsung's flagship new smartphone - the Galaxy Note 7 - have been sold in 10 countries since its launch two weeks ago. Now they all have to be returned and sales elsewhere...

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A huge story this one with far-reaching implications for multinationals. I highly recommend that students follow this over the coming weeks and months - it is likely to be hugely useful in exams...

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The new academic year is nearly here and AQA centres will soon be tackling the second year of the new specification.

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The relentless pace of globalisation makes it hard to compete in global mass markets unless a firm is highly efficient and able to benefit from economies of scale.

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A great article here from the BBC showcasing the rapid global growth of chat apps.

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Watch out General Electric, Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce. The Chinese have decided to start making aircraft engines.

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Can pressure groups really change the way multinational businesses act? This excellent piece from in The Guardian highlights examples of social and environmental campaigns that pressured companies...

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This is a really simple and clear explanation of how stocks and shares work - from the point of view of a shareholder.

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I saw this amazing infographic on twitter over the weekend that shows what happens in an internet minute. Its absolutely staggering!

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A topical example here of a necessary change in the marketing mix to support a new marketing strategy.

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This looks like a really interesting example of a joint venture between two global multinational businesses - GSK and Alphabet (the parent company of Google).

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Step by step, Tesco CEO Dave Lewis is retrenching back from the failed diversification strategies of his predecessors. This time it is the sale by Tesco of a bakery chain it bought.

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One of the UK's largest restaurant operators has decided to close down a substantial number of under-performing locations.

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Watch out Uber and Alphabet (Google). The WSJ reports here that Singapore has became the first country in the world to launch a self-driving taxi service, beating ride-hailing giant Uber T to...

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This investigative video from Channel 4 explores the issues facing some of the 30,000 Uber driversmaking themselves available in London. Lots of interesting issues raised, including business ethics!

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A great example here of the use of a joint venture. The motivation for this one - between Uber and Volvo - the race to develop driverless cars.

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