29th January 2017

The 48 Laws of Power

“Court attention at all costs”, “learn to keep people dependent on you” and the lovely number 15, “crush your enemies completely”! These are just three of the laws from Robert Greene’s...

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The Biz Quiz returns with 10 questions on the recent business & economics news!

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This short two-minute video from The Economist would make a great lesson starter to introduce students to some key data on the fast-growing global fitness industry.

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Tesco is spending £3.7bn in a deal to buy the UK's largest cash and carry business Booker. Actually there is much more to Booker than being an old-style wholesaler; as is customary the boards of...

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China produces around 80% of the world's counterfeit goods by value - despite a 2014 crackdown. These goods now include fake Lego - the Danish group opened a factory there last year and,...

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27th January 2017

Enterprise boxing clever

Setting up a new business requires keeping costs within control, as well as finding premises that suit the needs of the business while being in the right location for the target market. A great way...

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Here is an enticing demonstrationenticing demonstration of why it always serve to look at 'net' figures when trying to work out the impact of industries on the economy as a whole.

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The Boston Consulting Group regularly publishes BCG Perspectives, with article examining topics of broad interest and deep importance for business strategy. One of their latest articles looks at...

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Not literally cannibalism, but the term can be used to describe what happens when a company introduces a new product into a market where the same company's products are already well established,...

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The Prime Minister launched her New Industrial Strategy for Britain yesterday, with the stated aim that it is part of "...a plan to shape a new future for the kind of country we will be when we...

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A new study by the Institute of Customer Service suggests that businesses which put customer service at the heart of their staff training will gain a competitive advantage. This is particularly...

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This NPR podcast from Planet Money (question sheet below) tells the story of Frederick, whose first business enterprise landed him in prison for 5 years. His next venture, which involved...

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If you are teaching business growth - what better archived interview to use! "What is Facebook exactly?" 12 years ago, someone named Mark Zuckerberg appeared on a business news show talking about...

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Does it matter that, according to Oxfam, the world's richest 8 people have as much wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world?

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This article gives a real insight into a modern, fast-changing sector of the economy: streaming services and highlights how Netflix appears to have stolen a march on some of its rivals.

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Is Free Trade a good thing or a bad thing? On the one hand, in her Brexit speech this week Theresa May promised to push for the "freest possible trade" with European countries and to sign new deals...

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Every teacher and examiner will have different viewpoints on how to guide their students as to the best way to structure their answers to a 9 mark question.

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Here is a terrific three minute clip from the radio. Is the iPhone the most profitable product in history? What are the other contenders?

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This is a brilliant Economist piece looking at how ride-sharing and ride-hailing apps will shape the future of transport. It's part of the Change Makers series and gives a fascinating insight into...

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The integration process between two businesses following a takeover is crucial to making a success of an external growth strategy. How is the management of DW Fitness dealing with the challenges of...

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