For many consumers, the provenance of the products they buy is an increasingly important non-price factor influencing the choices they make in markets.

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If you go into a Tesco store today, you are likely to find that all the staff are out on the shop floor checking their Special Offer labels on the shelves. They have been caught out by a BBC...

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Another gig economy story, but this time the 'worker' has won. In this case, the plumber concerned, Gary Smith, won the right to re-negotiate his contract after he'd had a heart attack. His...

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Perhaps this is the ultimate in hedging behaviour - the owner of Durex is buying a company that makes baby food!! What can possibly go wrong?

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Waitrose is in the headlines with news that it is removing a layer from its store organisational hierarchy as well as closing six under-performing stores.

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Here is the next Biz Quiz for this term. 10 questions on this week's business news. Good luck!

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A great article on the BBC website about a brand that lost its way.

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8th February 2017

Business News Analysis

In trying to encourage my students to engage with real-world news stories, I have made a simple grid (see below) which gets them to think about how key business topics and theories apply to...

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The results of a Swedish study of the impact of shortening the working day on productivity is about to be published and I'm sure it's going to make for interesting reading.

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Fantastic Bloomberg piece - of some length - about the rise of Uber and Airbnb and their regulatory travails - this looks at the emergence of the so-called 'gig economy' and the extent to which...

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This article looks at the impact of the uprating of business rates on small retailers.

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Here is a great chart to emphasise the importance of non-price competition in markets. Netflix ranks highly against their competitors in terms of service reliability, ease of use and quality of...

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The latest version of the Biz Quiz is now ready to attempt!

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Here is the recording of the recent BTEC Business Cafe Q&A webinar with Colin Leith (Pearson Edexcel).

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Another merger on the cards: Reckitt-Benckiser, the conglomerate, is looking to add US baby formula manufacturer, Mead Johnson.

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Ikea operate in 52 countries around the world, including Jordan in the Middle East. They also have a very strong approach to CSR, with the Ikea Foundation aiming "... to improve opportunities for...

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31st January 2017

Retrenchment at Fitbit

Fitbit, the global market leader in the fitness wearables industry, is looking to reduce operating costs by $200m a year. As a result it is to reduce the size of its global workforce by 6%.

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If you needed any proof of the difficulty for businesses that try to keep up with the external environment, here it is.

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Automation using robotics continues to extend well beyond manufacturing production lines. Could the service sector be next to experience a robotic revolution.

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30th January 2017

Ocean plastics and CSR

A good recycling story here. Ocean plastics are notoriously hard to recycle but it seems that P&G are the latest company to try and utilise this resource, and try to make the recycling of this...

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