Back from our half-term break, but the business world never stands still. Here are the latest 10 questions on the business & economics news from the last 7 days.

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A cautionary tale here for multinationals wanting to grow in international markets using external growth strategies. Australian firm Wesfarmers have admitted they made a pretty disastrous decision...

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Multinational pet food giant Nestle has spotted an opportunity in India. Would it be barking mad to ignore the opportunity, or should it paws before making an investment in this market development...

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Where does the balance of bargaining power lie between a customer and a supplier? That’s one of the key questions that underpins the announcement by multinational consumer goods giant Unilever that...

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The size of pay claim that Tesco's could face, if they are found guilty of gender discrimination, is massive, as employees would then have the right to reclaim underpaid wages for up to six years....

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9th February 2018

Brand values

This map looks at the most valuable brand in each country in 2018. The list of the world's top 500 brands by value is dominated by U.S. brands like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Visa, AT&T, and...

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Here are 10 questions on the business news of the last 7 days. We take a half-term break next week - back in 14 days!

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This BBC Business articleon the difficulties being faced by the UK restaurant market is full of topical examples of how the external environment can threaten seemingly well-established and...

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The concept of outsourcing has featured frequently in the business news recently following the failure of Carillion and the profits warning by Capita.

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This three-episode documentary series from the BBC looks like it will become a business teaching classic. Set your recording devices to catch it...

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Here is a fascinating interview with the new CEO of Coca-Cola James Quincey in which he makes the case for his business to take more risks.

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Meet Jack Ma, the former English teacher now the richest man in Asia!

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Meet the next generation of industrial robots - including robots that are making robots!

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This article contains a fantastic graphic on how the iPhone is a great example of the process of globalisation, with components from a variety of companies with, surprisingly, some made by...

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Our AQA and Edexcel Calculation Practice Books were launched last November, and I think it is safe to say that they have been very well received by both teachers and students, so much so, that some...

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Here is the latest edition of The Biz Quiz with 10 more questions on a typically busy week in the business news! Good luck!

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Here is a useful little video with a classic example of a small business which has really taken off, and fears growing so fast that the founders cannot keep up with it.

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How often do you hear a CEO saying that 'our most important asset is our people'? If that is the case, then keeping those people in good health is critical to the success of the business, which...

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Knead a perfect soap case study for the business classroom? Today's breaking news fits the bill! Analyse two ways in which Roy's Rolls could respond to the increase in competition.

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Fancy a cold pizza? That's what you might get from pizza outlets that use this new robotic delivery system - until that is they solve the numerous logistical challenges.

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