
Office of National Statistics publishes annual survey of hours and earnings

Jamie Pittock

12th November 2009

As reported in the press today, the latest annual survey of hours and earnings is just out and it provides an amazing insight into wages across the UK.

The figures from the ONS Annual Survey of Hours and earnings show, for example, that the gender pay gap has fallen by 1% to 16.4% over the past year. That improvement followed an increase of 4% in the average hourly pay of full-time women workers to £13.43, compared with a 2.8% rise in men’s pay to £16.07. The gender pay difference for part-time workers narrowed by 2% to 13.2%.

The figures also give a complete guide to who gets paid what for each job in the country, by sex and occupation.

The Guardian has already waved its magic wand over the figures, so suggest that you stop off there before venturing onto the more detailed and comprehensive ONS website

Guardian: What do people get paid?

ONS: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

Jamie Pittock

Digital @ tutor2u.

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