
OCR 2880 (ACE) - Exam-style Questions

Jim Riley

12th April 2009

Here are some exam-style questions on the OCR 2880 June 2009 case study (ACE) which colleagues may find helpful in guiding students during their revision.

These questions are not intended to be a prediction of what is going to be in the 2880 exam. However, they pick up on the key strategc issues and themes raised in the ACE case study.

Outline answers to all these questions are contained in our 2880 Revision Toolkit which is published to centres early next week.


Evaluate how specific growth objectives might contribute to ACE’s success.

Are ACE’s growth objectives for cargo more realistic than for passenger flights? Justify your answer.

Discuss whether ACE’s objective of increasing the number of night-time cargo flights conflicts with its statement of values.

Discuss whether there is a conflict between ACE’s objectives to grow both passenger and cargo revenues.

How realistic are ACE’s growth projections to 2016? Justify your view.

Discuss the importance to ACE of setting long-term objectives for growth.

Evaluate the strategic importance of ACE’s location to its competitive position.

Evaluate ACE’s ability to secure the resources needed to achieve its growth objectives.

Evaluate the proposal to transfer employees from ACE to ERA.

How should ACE handle the trade union response to the proposed change in employment conditions for fire crews? Justify your recommendations.

How likely is it that the local community will support ACE’s growth objectives? Justify your view

Evaluate the risk that the proposed change to employment conditions of fire crew will affect the ability of ACE to achieve its objectives.

Evaluate the strategic importance of ACE’s location to its ability to achieve its growth objectives.

Evaluate the likely stakeholder response to ACE’s strategy of growing its cargo business.

Evaluate how the strategic direction of ACE might be affected by increasing criticism of the environmental impact of air travel and cargo

Discuss the extent to which the different stakeholders might be able to influence ACE’s plans to transfer staff to ERA.

Discuss how the strategic direction of ACE might be affected by the opening of new airports nearby which can handle cargo traffic.

Should ACE accept the proposal from Air Executive to operate a premium business service from the airport? Justify your view.

How are ACE’s stakeholders likely to respond to the planned expansion of passenger and cargo activities?

Consultants to ACE estimate that the opening of a railway spur to link ACE with the national rail network would generate extra operating profits of £3.0million. Discuss whether ACE should make the investment to build the railway link. Justify your view.

Recommend whether ACE should go ahead with the construction of the railway spur link.

Evaluate the impact that higher unemployment might have on the ability of ACE to achieve its growth objectives.

Assess the risks faced by Zest Holdings if it decides to invest in additional passenger capacity at ACE.

Discuss how the strategic behaviour of ACE would be affected by a significant reduction in economic growth.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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