
Nokia holds on to top spot as the demand for mobiles grows

Tom White

25th April 2008

Although Nokia maintained its dominant position with a 40.9% market share, it lost some share as shipments of LG and Samsung phones grew faster than Nokia’s sales. Meanwhile, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and Apple lost market share. Motorola has been losing ground for some time. LG has made the most progress recently.

Here are the figures:

Nokia 40.9%
Samsung 16.4%
Motorola 9.7%
LG Electronics 8.6%
Sony Ericsson 7.9%
Others 16.4%

It seems that food prices in developing countries and the financial crisis affecting richer countries has so far had limited impact on demand for mobile handsets. In fact, Strategy Analytics forecasts demand will continue to rise, but at a slightly slower rate. It predicts 290 million handsets will be sold in the second quarter of this year, up 12% from the same period a year earlier.

Tom White

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