
No Mr Bond, I expect you to sell

Paul Sheppard

22nd October 2012

Businesses are lining up to exploit the value of the 007 brand, with the latest release causing a stir both virally and in the choice of product placement.

In a move which many are questioning as a move away from the traditional 'Bond', Heineken have paid a sizeable sum to be placed in Skyfall. There is plenty of opportunity to investigate the impact of this, but Heineken have struck PR gold with discussion about whether Bond has sold out with Daniel Craig suggesting it is a commercial inevitability. Heineken have exploited first mover advantage in the beer market by striking this deal.

Details of this interview are in the Telegraph and in a short clip from the BBC.
In another twist to the publicity machine, Coke have released this viral advert which will no doubt strike a chord with students.

Paul Sheppard

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