
Moreton Hall School win the Subway Challenge!

Graham Prior

16th December 2013

A few weeks ago I received a tweet from 6th form student Sian Jones (Moreton Hall) telling me that her and 2 other Year 13 girls (Katye Pumphrey and Laura Mercer) had won the national Subway Challenge; a design competition to create a new sandwich range for global retailer, Subway! Amazing news that I thought was worth sharing via the business blog.As part of a national competition to design and market a brand new six inch Sub, based on the theme of #heartfeltsubs, the Year 13 girls, who all attend Moreton Hall school for girls in Lancashire presented a Dragon’s Den style pitch to a panel of SUBWAY® brand experts. Their pitch included detailed market research, a competitive analysis and in-depth costs as well as the innovative product concept that resulted in the judges reaching a unanimous decision. The girls won the competition with their innovative idea of a 'Jack of All Flavours' range which includes the Queen of Hearts, Diamonds are Forever, The Ace of Spades and the Mega Club.The girls all study business studies and are part of a group of sixth form students who have had vital experience working for their school’s business arm, Moreton Enterprises, which consists of a number of businesses run by the students for the students. Moreton Hall business studies teacher, Karen Booth, said: "Girls need to experience the reality of business while they’re still at school. It’s critical to expose them to the kind of risk-taking and quick decision-making that real business demands if they’re going to thrive in the commercial world. Being part of Moreton Enterprises gives the girls an outstanding insight to business and has been the starting point for many successful business women. It looks like these girls are set to join them.”I think I may need to taste all 4 when they are released in February....purely for market research of course!

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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