
Maverick gets shot down

Michael Albanese

5th March 2014

Does the inclusion of the image below breach copyright laws? Paramount Studios think so.A young man (obviously with time on his hands) has had his Twitter account closed for tweeting individual frames of the film Top Gun, along with captions, every 20 minutes.The BBC article explains that whilst it seems heavy-handed and mean-spirited, in terms of the law, even the frames are classed as the film. However, it does ask how the tweets could affect Paramount financially, and why YouTube accounts don’t face a similar fate.In a previous blog I listed some other contentious copyright courtroom quarrels, could this be seen as the most absurd, as far from detracting from the studio finances, it potentially advertises and promotes the films further?

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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