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Matching Supply with Demand | The Seasonal Race to Recruit Temporary Shop Staff Begins

2nd November 2022
And they're off! As the advent calendars and mince pies hit the shelves, the traditional race amongst supermarkets to recruit temporary staff is under way.
As Grocery Gazette reports here, Sainsbury’s is creating 18,000 additional seasonal jobs to help meet the extra demand over the Christmas period.
Competing supermarkets such as Tesco, Asda and Aldi will doubtless be working hard to target the same supply of temporary, seasonal workers.
The 18,000 temporary jobs split broadly into 15,000 for the supermarket, 2,000 for Argos outlets (many of which are now located in Sainsbury's stores) and 1,000 for logistics (drivers, warehouse operatives etc).
And the going rate of pay if you fancy some festive hours at work? £10.25 per hour (£11.30 in London).
For that hourly wage, you get work until 7 January 2023 on fixed-term contracts of between three and 12 weeks.
And presumably a few fringe benefits such as discounted food etc.
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