
Marks & Spencer’s new look

Tom White

13th September 2011

A great article here for those of you with a passion for retail and an eye for design. M&S boss Marc Bolland is spending £600m on a revamp. The firm is wheeling out an array of props including mopeds and pasta machines as part of a refit of its shop floors, which will see stores within stores created for its clothing ranges and the return of delicatessen counters.

According to The Guardian, the revamp was ordered by the chief executive who believes that, despite £2bn spent by his predecessor on modernising the estate, the shops remain stubbornly difficult to navigate and less than “inspiring”. Read the article to see what he has planned, based around a trial run in their High Street Kensington branch.

M+S is looking again at its role as a clothing and homeware retailer, as well as an upmarket grocer: “The design is all about not being seen as just another supermarket ... we wanted to move to being more of a food specialist.”

Tom White

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