
Mark Zuckerberg - the richest person in the world!

Ben Cahill

11th February 2012

Since is it is normal to talk about the best pound-for-pound boxers, we could also do the same for successful entrepreneurs! As the graphic below indicates, Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder is the richest man in the world adjusted for age, ie billions of dollars per year of age.

It does assume a US$100 billion for Facebook but there is no indication yet that this won’t happen. While the world’s richest man Carlos Slim is still a lot more wealthy than Mr Zuckerberg, at 72 he has had a lot more time to amass his billions!

But not only is Mr Zuckerberg very rich, he has made a lot of other people rich as well, with reports that 1,000 Facebook employees will become millionaires when the stock is listed.

But my favourite story is that of David Choe, a graffiti artist that painted a mural at the Facebook office in 2005 and was offered the choice of a cash payment or Facebook shares. For reasons that he still seems to be unsure of (he didn’t think the Facebook idea was a goer) he took the shares and now stands to make US$200 million. Below are pictures of David Choe as well as the world’s most expensive mural with the Facebook founders.

So my advice to you T2U presenters - take shares in lieu of payment! smile

Ben Cahill

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