
Making the most of Edexcel ResultsPlus

David Carpenter

7th March 2012

Read on to find out how to print out individual grade reports for all your students taking Edexcel Business Studies Unit 1 using the complete results spreadsheet you can download from ResultsPlus

With A-Level results day upon us, I’ve been creating up-to-date mail merges for the Business Unit 1 January exam. With this Word document you simply need to download the spreadsheet for your students’ results from the Edexcel ResultsPlus website, modify it slightly, and then you’ll have individual print-outs for each student indicating their overall grade and grades for each individual question. This then allows them to quickly and easily see where they went wrong, and also if they want to consider reviewing their paper or requesting a re-mark. Just follow the instructions below and, hopefully, your students will find this additional information useful.

(N.B. These instructions assume you are using Office 2010)

1. Download & open the Word mail merge document:

(Apologies- our students are only taking unit 1 so I haven’t done documents for the others, although feel free to adapt this for other units)

2. Download your students’ results as a spreadsheet csv file from ResultsPlus. Open this in Excel and modify it so that the first row contains the headings (e.g. ‘first name’ etc.). Save this spreadsheet.

3. In Word, under ‘mailings’, click on ‘select recipients’ and then ‘use an existing list’ and then navigate to your spreadsheet file

4. Click on ‘preview results’ to check everything looks OK and make any necessary changes

5. Now click on ‘finish & merge’. You can merge straight to a printer. I usually merge to a new file just to check they’re all OK and then print that file.

Please note that this document is set as A5 paper so you either need to print onto A5 paper or change the page layout to A4

David Carpenter

Teacher of Economics and Business at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School in Kent. Always interested in new ideas and methods for teaching these subjects, as well as keeping up to date with the latest news.

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