
Lesson Plenary. The “Plenary Pyramid”

Jim Riley

2nd November 2010

This is a really good idea for a lesson plenary which I have “borrowed” from a colleague and it works really well…

In our school each lesson has a Key Question and 2 Learning Objectives which I display throughout the lesson. This provides an easy opportunity for a mini plenary at any time (especially when a visitor walks into the room), but the main plenary at the end, which I have found useful is the plenary pyramid.

I have a pyramid from word or power-point displayed on the interactive board and some hard copies printed and the students have to build the pyramid with their knowledge as follows.

The students start at the bottom and work up, but for the purpose of this blog I will work in reverse, i.e. top down:

The student’s will write/tell me 3 things they have learnt from the lesson...
...then 2 things they will remember (explaining how they will do this)
...and finally one question they still have to ask about the subject/topic of the lesson.

This can then be used as a differentiated homework/research task and the feedback can be used as a micro teaching session in the future.

I really find this useful and the recent HMI visit said they also liked it. Hope you also find it useful.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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