
Kit Kat Chunky Champion

Graham Prior

20th February 2012

Many thanks to Craig McLeod for sending me this brilliant idea that went down a storm in his classroom (Craig recently attended TBBLE Glasgow).

I never knew about this so I double indebted to Craig for sharing this idea.

Kit Kat are currently running a promotion called the Kit Kat Chunky Champion (here) which asks people to vote for one of 4 new Kit Kat Chunky flavours of which only 1 will survive. The flavours are:

Double Choc
White Choc
Peanut Butter

Craig used this current promotion as a stimulus for a class discussion on a range of topics such as the product lifecycle, promotion, market research and prototypes. Craig then developed the activity further by bringing in a few of the different flavours and conducting a class taste test where each student voted for their favourite flavour.

I am a big believer in ‘keeping it real’ and I think this a fantastic idea that is current, topical and will really appeal to the students. Which can’t be bad.

Now, Im off to buy 4 Kit Kat Chunkies…...

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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