In the News
Is Airbnb growing a social conscience?
9th February 2020
This article looks at the impact of Airbnb on local communities, noting that it has the capacity to drive up rents and generate negative externalities which affect permanent residents.
Airbnb are trying - superficially at least - to tackle this by having a stakeholder day and giving $100 million to local initiatives. But does this go far enough and is it evidence of the firm having a social conscience? I have recently asked Business A level pupils to analyse the benefits of being an ethical business. Do Airbnb appear to be applying Carroll's CSR pyramid to maximise profits in the short run and exploiting the influence of weaker stakeholder groups?
— Richard Schofield (@SchoeyEconomics) February 9, 2020
Has Airbnb grown a conscience?
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) February 9, 2020

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