
Internet Shame Insurance - and it’s free!

Ben Cahill

20th June 2011

E-mail and social networking both have a huge potential to cause embarrassment or even ruin careers if the “reply all” button is used accidentally or something is posted on a social networking site without careful thought or happening to be in a frame of mind where careful thought is impossible..

It works on the idea that an extra reminder is often needed before you send something to more than one person, whether it be via e-mail, facebook, twitter or other social media. It may not totally stop embarrassing posts, but it as an extra “insurance”. As someone who has hit the “reply all” button unwittingly (luckily not too embarrassingly) I would have appreciated that warning! Some of the warnings can be seen in the pictures below.

Giving yourself an added level of protection is free - the only catch being that you must be using the Google Chrome browser. From a business model point of view, I am sure that Google will be hoping that free extensions like this will encourage people to migrate to Chrome as its market share is still very low. Most people are unlikely to change their default web browsers unless there is a compelling reason to do so - advantages like this might be enough for some - US ex-congressman Anthony Weiner will probably be giving it serious thought!




The website for this can be found here.

Ben Cahill

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