In the News

Operations inside a phone factory in China

Penny Brooks

18th November 2017

The first 8 minutes of this week's edition of Click, the BBC's weekly roundup of tech news, features a visit to the OnePlus phone factory in Shenzhen. It quickly falls into that category of Business Studies Gold - new product development, the rise of Chinese brands, and lots about organisation and employment in manufacturing, and motivation for factory workers.

Spot the moment when all the workers on the assembly line get their heads down for a power nap - this happens in workplaces around China, in offices as well as factories, and begs the question of whether it's a practice we should adopt here in the west. Why not - after all, the adoption of Just-in-Time and Kaizen came about because western manufacturers wanted to understand how the Japanese factories were overtaking them in the 60's and 70's.

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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