
Starter Activity - i-Teach

Graham Prior

1st November 2010

Research shows that we retain around 90% of what we actually teach. Indeed, Confucius said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Based on this concept is an extremely simple and engaging teaching strategy that works brilliantly as a lesson starter…

I have done this myself on a number of occasions but I am to make it a regular lesson activity each week.

Basically, in the past I have asked students to ‘mico teach’ a topic we have previously done. So, when I taught BUSS2 capacity utilisation, I asked for a volunteer to prepare a 5 minute teaching session on this topic for the next lesson. What was so good about this was that not only did the student have to go away, re-learn the key areas and then deliver it to the class, but I had a ready made 5 minute starter and revision session. Brilliant. Learning and no preparation for me. A marriage made in heaven!

I have branded this activity i-teach for this academic year. My aim is to get every student preparing a 5 minute i-teach topic to begin the first lesson of every week. That way, the students are constsantly revising and re-visiting key material, and that can’t be bad.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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